Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lies = Happiness?

I had a diet day today, at the moment I am in approx 1500cals deficient from intake... which was VERY healthy! I did about 1097 cals worth of measurable exercise... which is good for anyone.

The big thing of the day is that I got on the real scale at the YMCA..133ilbs. Which means my scale is 3 pounds off. Initially, I went into absolute shock. Then, I calmed down and I just realized I will accept that because weight don't matter right now, inches and firmness do.

One would think this realization, that I am actually 3 pounds heavier... 3 pounds further from my goal, but for some reason I felt lighter after my minor-break-down. I've accepted it, and I just want to LOOK GOOD. Besides, working out for me will create muscle very quickly and muscle weighs twice as much as fat, right? I just want the fat gone. =D

I'm repeating tomorrow, so maybe I can loose about 1 pound. That would make me happy and I would reward myself. With 1/4 cup of strawberry low fat ice cream!! Yayyyy!

And with this... for some reason I am happy. I woke up depressed. But I am now amazing.

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