Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Is it sad that when I think about the day, all I can think of immediately is what he did/ what he said? Its pretty pathetic. I'll talk about other things first.

Early morning tech setup for today and tommorow. Mr. Watson basically walked in on me skipping his precious CBD and sighed, asking me for a favor. He needed me even though I was disregarding his waste-of-time class. Sweet revenge. Set everything up for him, calm and cool, then went right back to skipping the class. Hilarious.

People in -1 are unbelievably missing. Most of them are intelligent. Most of them are moderately well read. Few have a work ethic. Its frustrating. And I am so frustrated with the new teacher that I can barely stand the class anymore.

Double unit final tommorow in Bio. I think I'll be good. I should be studying though. I need that class, but at the same time... I don't care. I'm beyond caring. All my energy is devoted to Alice (which, in truth, I am getting tired of) and to this whole drama. Ugh.

SJC is becoming a fool. I'm starting to realise in my own mind... why most of my age don't DO anything - clubs, after-school activities. It takes a toll after a while. Oh well.

Someone crossed the line today, being /mad/ at the poor kid who hung himself. She sputtered,
"I'm just so mad with him... why.... what a dick move... yeah things get bad, but we gotta suck it up!" Its true, some people don't understand. Some people have never been so close. Are they cowards? Are they self-less? Are they close-minded?

So, now to him. He barely talked to me today, via text or otherwise. He wasn't wearing the scarf. Is it a bad sign? Or was he wearing all black out of respect? I hope answer A, though I doubt it. Didn't see him in the morning. Didn't see him at lunch. Blondie was between us in class, and he is being... adorable. I'm not sure how I feel about Blondie right now. He's either trying too hard to cheer me up (as a friend), or he's flirting, or he's playing (as a friend). 2/3 says it doens't matter. 2/2 I've been wrong in interpretting so far, so I'm not pursuing it - unless something happens.

In my own mind, I wish I could read minds. Find out how people are really thinking. No use for masks. No use for fear.

Basic. Thats the title of this. Why? Because it, life, isn't acidic like yesterday. Maybe I'll start rating each blog by pH. Lower is most acidic. Higher is more basic. Mid point 7. Hahaha

Can't wait for Friday - Kayla's party. Sleepover. Seriously, I can't freaking wait because there is POSSIBILITY of scandal. Of drinking. Of shamelessness after a long week. Can't wait.

OH! He wanted me to ACT in his movie! As a serious person. Yeah right. I'm not an actor. Though I wish I were, because then I could spend time together with him, learn more. This whole thing is more of an admirable facsination, I think, than a crush. He baffels me.

pH rating 7.5

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