Thursday, November 20, 2008

Basic, 9. 5 pH

It's getting okay.

Got a damn 87% on the Bio test. Decent. Should up my mark, thank god.

Got home today and saw that my room had been cleaned and arranged. Usually it pisses me off, but everything was findable just rearranged. That's the difference between Mom & Dad. He shoves random things in random drawers, she organizes. Ugh. Whatever. I enjoy it. Its nice and spacey. But claustrophobic at the same time - too orderly. It was kinda freaking me out at first, but I'm over it now.

Skipped CBD again, but got marked "here" for it ;P Skills indeed.

Lets see... nothing to report in English besides overall feelings of annoyance. Same in tech. So damn tired of this play. I have things to do tomorrow though, thank god. REMEMBER to go through list and see what we need made. Make it. Clean.

Lunch was diversity potluck. Not gonna lie, I wanted to be in the greenroom.

Multimedia was embarrassing as hell on toast. For one, I did all this work only to realize it was WRONG OH. Tomorrow I gotta take pictures, not gonna bother outlining now. No time. Maybe I will though. I'm stubborn like that. Anyways, so I'm asking Mr.B a question and he's all "Maybe you'd know what to do if you weren't flirting with the whole back row. lolololol" Of course, /I/ am so NOT to one flirting and CERTAINLY not with the whole back row. Ugh. Oh of course the entire class got to hear. Perfect. Didn't catch Blondie's or his reaction. Perfect.

Bio was fantastic because of the news (did I mention? 87% on a double-unit final!), not because of the monotonous work. Rawr rawr rawr rawr.

Tomorrow will be AMAZING. I can FEEL it.

So, along with the cleanup, I got the new Macleans. So not helpful. At least not yet, I have yet to proporly read it. What is helpful is the UBC "What can I do with my Major?" pages. So far top 3 choices are: Nursing, Exhibit Designer (theatre AND history? geek-gasm), or Event Planner/ International Relations Rep. All over the place? NOOOO.

See what I think would be really cool would be either the joining major in theatre-tech and history for a Bachelor of Arts or a joining Nursing-International Relations for a Applied Bachelor of Science in Nursing. If only, eh? But maybe if I get my International Certificate, I will 'get' that. Faaaacckkkk.

Was wondering what being apart of a hive-mind would be like. Would you be full-fledged drones? Have no individual thought? For the good of the colony? Wouldn't society crumble? How long before a glitch in the machine? Blue or red pill?

Still, good day. Good night.

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